Virtual Keyboards & Metronomes
As a musician, it is important to have an instrument at home. But if you are away from home, if you have just begun your journey into music and cannot afford buying or renting one, or if you are short of space - it is always useful to be able to play a little melody on a virtual piano, to play the vocal exercise you were given or to find the pitch of the first note of a song (if you do not have absolute pitch). Since we are dealing with virtual instruments - I added virtual metronomes as well. Have fun!
Virtual Keyboards
- Virtual Piano: you can download this free application by Pablo Software Solutions. Includes many functions, for example: transpose (very useful for singers)
- Interactive Piano: four octave range, but the keys are a bit small. Another drawback: it takes a while to load the application. By the way: the website includes free theory and ear training material.
- Virtual Keyboard: pretty display, nice sounds of different instruments, possibility to play by either clicking the mouse or using the computer’s keyboard. Disadvantage - small range (1.5 octaves).

Virtual Metronomes
- GiveMeTac: cute and simple metronome software (download and install on your computer).
- Metronome Online: advantages: no need to download and includes some articles about tempo. Drawbacks: does not have an option for emphasizing the first beat.